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BEST of the Web... KIDS CRAFTS!

So if I were a good mom, I would totally be doing these crafts with my kids.  Instead I am busy making sure my basement doesn't smell like a barn.  Long story...

But in any event, these are the five coolest crafts for kids I found this week. I hope they inspire you to bust out some paint and glue.

Crazy Crocs from bubble wrap
Love, love, love the Positively Splendid site... I'll be going back there often, if only to make myself feel inadequately crafty with my kids. But seriously, it's awesome!  
  boris the bull
Boris The Bull Bank
bubble wrap crocodile
Snow White Mirror

Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids
PineconeThanksgiving Craft

Glitter Spider Web Craft
Glitter Spider Web Halloween Craft
 Have a craft project you've done recently, or just something you've seen that has inspired you to take out the Elmer's and the construction paper?  Add a link to it and it will automatically be added to our Best of the Web Kids Crafts post.  Just click the blue frog below.  


  1. I love the bull bank decor. It is adorable and the toddlers and kids will love him. Plus the turkey pinecone figures are too cute. They mix in well in concept with barney party supplies.

    1. Hi Melinda! Thanks for stopping by! I thought they were so cute... I am unfortunately not crafty with my kids (poor little guys), but I live vicariously through other's hard work ;)


Tell me what's on your mind!

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