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I Just Met You, And This Is Crazy, But DONATE Maybe?!

Marine Corps Kids Logo
My husband is a HUGE college football fan.  So I am pretty much saturated with football from 9am to 1am on Saturdays.  And don't even get me started about Sundays... although I am winning our fantasy league this year, which is a total mind blower since this week I didn't even know my quarterback was on a bye until... what, 5 minutes ago?  Aaron Rogers... I am nothing without you!! 
So anyway, LOTS of football.  Which can get, really, really, reeeeaaallly boring.  But today the football talking heads are all "Rah Rah Marines" because of Veterans Day.  And I dig it.  A LOT.  Not only because men in uniform are categorically and unequivocally hot, but because I am a bit worried about the state of our military and national security in general. I mean, the head of the CIA couldn't even keep an extramarital affair secret from his wife.  YOU ARE THE HEAD OF THE CIA!!!  Omahgerd.  This is not gerd.
But all the pomp made me think about Marine Corps Kids, an awesome non-profit a friend of mine is a big part of, and I wanted to take this Saturday post to give her a big shout out.  I know I get a lot of mommy and daddy bloggers who stop by here, and I figure if just a handful of you reblog, retweet, post a note about it, like the Marine Corp Kids Facebook page, or even donate to the cause, we can help her tell Marine Corps families just how much we appreciate their dedication, commitment, and sacrifice.
See, Marine Corps Kids is committed to supporting military families, particularly military babies, many of whom don't get to see their daddies for months after their born.  They do not provide shelter, money, education, or even a promise of a better future.  Rather, Marine Corps Kids provides love.  They take donations from knitters and seamstresses, crafters and blanket-tiers, and package them up as Happy Birthday gifts for Marine Corps newborns, and new mommies and daddies.  It's just a small gesture of thanks and appreciation that makes a really big, heartfelt impact. 
So get out your crochet hooks, your knitting needles, your quilt hoops and craft up a little blanket, some little booties, a little sweater, or hat and send it off to Marine Corps Kids.  And if you can't sew, grab some fleece and make a no-sew tied fleece blanket. You can donate thank you note stationery, custom birth announcements, even just a Happy Birthday card, or just spread the word.  No contribution is too small.
Go "Like" the Marine Corps Kids Facebook page, check out the blog, and get involved!  And while you're at it, leave me a comment about other organizations that you are involved in, so we can help give a shout out to them too!


  1. I love! I just met the head of the Toys for Tots Marine & his wife tonight! Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Share it with all your friends! It is a really cool non-profit with such a wonderful mission!

      Thanks for stopping!!!

  2. Yay! I needed an excuse to make more quilts! Semper Fi, babies!


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