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I Got Married By A Wild Boar Hunter on a Remote Island in the North Pacific

So this week's Theme Thursday post from Something Clever 2.0 is about weddings.  I could talk your ear off about weddings, since my day job is to create fabulous custom wedding invitations for bridezillas around the world.  But today I have to talk about my own wedding.  Which was perfect.  And included no invitations at all.  Which made it even more perfect.

See, my husband and I had a whirlwind courtship.  We "hooked up" in March and were married by Thanksgiving.  We travelled throughout the US during that time, bought a house, renovated it, got pregnant, and then decided, well, we should seal the deal, I guess.  We thought about having a real wedding. A small intimate affair that would take place in Chicago (neutral territory for both of our families), but for several reasons (mostly because I was afraid my dad would have a stroke if we told him, since he was still paying off my first wedding) we decided to elope.  I walked into my office one November morning and there was a ticket to Hawaii sitting on my keyboard.  How could you NOT marry that guy?

I was whisked away to the Halekulani Hotel in Honolulu. Um, yeah.  There was a button by the door you could ring for a personal concierge.  The bathroom was bigger than my whole apartment. The view of Waikiki beach was Amazeballs.  But there was construction going on at a nearby hotel that just sort of cramped our "pretending to be rich super-snob" style.  So Mr. Martini asked for a refund and we hopped on the first plane to the Kauai.  That was back when we did that sort of crazy shit all the time.  Just hop on a plane and go to XYZ.  Or just decide not to get on a plane and do something else.  I don't want to sound like a rich super-snob, but it was fun pretending to be a rockstar for a minute.  Of course we're still paying for those 6 months of fun that started 7 years ago, but whatevs. 

There was a golf tourney going on at our hotel and our beach cabana was right next to Tiger Woods' (you know, before we knew Tiger was a raging douchebag).  So we thought we were the Shiznit!  And we were gonna get married!  Whoot Whoot!  I was a princess!   So now we had to find someone to marry us.  Which we didn't realize would be such a difficult thing to do.  I called like a dozen marriage guys (you know, pastors, reverends, etc. that do beach weddings as a side gig) and everyone was booked.  OMG!  We flew all the way to frickin Hawaii and all I got was this stupid bag of Macadamia nuts?  WTF?  I wanna get married!!!  We finally found a pastor/wild boar hunter who said he could do it.  At 4pm.  That day.

I didn't even have a dress.  Not anything I thought would be marginally appropriate, at least.  Turns out, nothing at the only shopping place we could find would be very appropriate either.  Since I was pressed for time (we're talking like 2 hours till "go" time here), I grabbed the only thing that fit reasonably well and ran off (funny how that has become a theme in my normal everyday life too...).
I would be getting hitched in a black knee length party dress with big red hibiscus flowers printed all over it.  Meh.  It beat out sequined hoochie dress.  It would have to do.

We made it to the beach on time, as they say, and met our pastor.  A real nice guy who asked us over for Thanksgiving dinner.  They would be serving wild boar caught using table scraps from his son's restaurant.  I liked the guy immediately.  Mr. Martini however, was a ball of nervous energy.  He was so nervous you could literally see fear in his eyes.  And then he was asked to do the impossible. Wait until we saw a sea turtle.  Say what, Mr.?  We have to stand here looking into the ocean until we see a frickin sea turtle before you'll marry us?  Heh?  So finally, after what seemed like at least five minutes, Mr. Martini lied so we could get on with it.  That's how you should always start out your married life... with a big ol' fat lie to a man of the cloth.

There was some kind words, a declaration of love, some vows (which I have a printed copy of somewhere) and the exchange of rings.  And of course the kiss.  There are three wedding photos of us, and one is the fake kiss we did after the "ceremony".  Turns out our boar-hunting pastor was also an amateur photographer, and he wanted to get the perfect shot.  In any event, we got hitched.  We were married.  It was official.  Let the throwing of the rice, popping of the champagne, eating of the cake, and dancing off the asses commence!!  And then...

That night, we did what all married couples do. ;)

 I fell asleep while he watched the UCLA-USC football game on TV. 

It was the most perfect day ever, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. 


  1. What an awesome story! Sounds perfect to me. Second only to Vegas and Halloween ;)

    1. I totally would have done Vegas, but Mr. Martini had an awkward wedding experience there once. ;)

  2. Awww very sweet story! I would love to visit Hawaii. On my wedding night (both times) my husband got drunk although for the first one I did also. We fell asleep. Don't all marriages that last do that?

    1. Hiya! Thanks for stopping by!!

      I didn't get drunk, which is surprising since I am in some state of inebriation like 345 days out of the year. The first one was a big old shindig with lots of people to meet and greet (thus I kept losing my wine glass), and the second one I was knocked up.

      I think they do... the first one I got no sleep, and that one only lasted like 9 months.

  3. If I were you, I would give the husband a framed pic of a sea turtle for an anniversary gift EVERY YEAR.

    1. That is the most awesome idea ever! I'm not worthy!! So doing that next year!

  4. What fun! Love the fake sea turtle sighting!

  5. Sounds like the perfect start to married life. No need to line up a pastor when you're going to the #1 romantic spot to get married. Are you sure it's legit?

    1. Yeah. I got the license myself so we're official. And if not, that will be an awesome excuse to do it again sometime. Perhaps after we sue the ass off the boar-hunting pastor-poser.

  6. It sounds PERFECT! Great story to tell the grandkids someday... :)

  7. Great story! I was just wishing yesterday that I had eloped rather than had the "traditional" wedding, which meant, in my case, that it was planned completely by my mother and included mostly her friends as the guests AND had no dancing. Nope. Nada. But we did go to Maui for our honeymoon, which was fab. And p.s. - we did not consummate our marriage for a couple of days. ;)

  8. Found you through Bloggy Moms and have so enjoyed reading through your posts. Wedding stories are my absolute favorite; it always seems like the less perfect the wedding, the more perfect the marriage. :)


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